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She is one of Kate's close friend when within the same town and giggling elementary school teacher for crazy kids.

Stevehen and she dated for a very long time. They are not yet at the stage where they can be friends, though we cannot expect them to be.

She recently got married.

Aliases: Pixie, Teener, Teener-Weiner

Birthday: December 8, 1980

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Height: 5'3"

Eyes: Bronze

Hair: Natural color has been lost to the ages, current color varies depending on mood and employment status

Spiritual Path/Religion: Fairy Wicca

Role: friend/giggle fiend

Origin in Xen's Story: Xen met her when he was 16 at Virginia's birthday party.

Quotes: "Stevehen threw the devil ball! It hit my nose!"

Defining Moment in Relationship: Scaring the senses out of people while working at the Haunted Mansion.

Divine Dominion Over: fairies, monkeys, scary dolls, girl scouts

Best advice: *Pending*

Future Profession: kindergarten teacher

Best Quality: silliness

Superpower: can feel someone tickling her even if they are across the room.

Fictional Characters Most Like: Gogo on Tiny Tunes, Princess Leigh-Cheri in Still Life With Woodpecker