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Lauren is Xen's newer, older closer friend. She's like Bounty in that way. This sylph was born in Long Island, but we believe her to be a native species of New Paltz. She was first encountered by Xen, sitting on a cement bench and, at least in his mind, waiting to be spoken to. This being done, the seedling of an excellent friendship broke forth from the ground and was summarily ignored until quite recently, when he attacked her on a street corner and invited her for pancakes.

She is currently wandering the midwest and is not likely to return.

She plays in any number of bands, none of which you have likely heard, such as The Doorknobs, Theselah, and Guitars and Hearts. Zack wants to start a band with her because she ranks on a small list of the coolest musical women he has ever met. He will likely settle for bearing her children, despite her pronounced preference for the fairer sex.

Lauren is a jacquline of all trades musically, though particularly fetishistic for the drums and bass guitar, in that order. You are more than welcome to listen to samples of her music above. It's hard to really get to know the soul of a drummer, but rumor says it is more than worth it.

Xen maintains that she has excellent taste in books and photography, Zack says the same for music. Neither is wrong.