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Dave is a psychology teacher at DCC and drummer in the alternative/hard rock band Bone. He is good friends with Xen and M. He seems to have a fondness for attractive blondes that are bad for him, but it may be a habit he is breaking by dating Nikki... who is both attractive and blonde. But darned sweet.
Alias: The Davinator, The Professor, Giles.

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Rock star brown

Spiritual Path/Religion: catholic CatholicRole: Obi Wan Kenobi

Origin in Xen's Story: He was Xen's psychology professor at Dutchess and ended up as a friend over commiseration about bad break-ups.

Quotes: "You put your testicles in my soup!"
"Women are only good for procreation and condiments."

Divine Dominion Over: Group dynamics

Best advice: "If you think it isn't a rebound crush, it has to be."

Future Profession: Rock star

Current Profession: Psychology teacher

Best Quality: Hilarious wisdom.

Superpower: He is quite tidy on the drums.

Similar to: Holden McNeil from Chasing Amy